This is an information database established by the project "ATLANTBERRY - Expanding berry production in the North Atlantic region". The aim of the ATLANTBERRY project (2010-2013) has been to form the base for a commercial production of berries in plastic tunnels in Iceland, Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Production manual - red raspberry

A production manual for raspberry production was written as part of the ATLANTBERRY project.  Translations are made to local languages of Iceland and Faroe Islands. The manual will be continously updated with new information, look at bottom of page 2 in the manual to see what version you have. To get the complete manual in English or Faroese version, please download also the tables file(s). Text and tables are included in the same file in the Icelandic version.

Downloads English version:

"Production manual for red raspberry production in North Atlantic region - outdoor, polytunnel and greenhouse" - English version (version 3c - 20 June 2013).

Tables - "Production manual for red raspberry production in North Atlantic region - outdoor, polytunnel and greenhouse" - English version (version 3). 

Download Icelandic version:

"Hindber ræktunarleiðbeiningar" - Icelandic version

Download Faroese version:

"Framleiðsla av hindberum" - Faroe version

Talva 2 (Table 2 - Faroe version)

Talva 3 (Table 3 - Faroe version)

Talva 4 (Table 4 - Faroe version)


Meteorologiske observasjonar


Vêret i året 2017